Aventura in Ramnicu Valcea - Pe urmele lui Anton Pann
Dacă vrei să mai descoperi ce a mai rămas din Râmnicul de altădată, e o ocazie să străbați acest tur.
Vei descoperi niște case superbe păstrate impecabil care ascund anumite povești destul de captivante.
Astfel, este o oportunitate să descoperi pe unde a umblat Anton Pann și cum a creat Imnul și locurile care l-au influențat pe acest drum.
Așa că e musai de încercat!
Can be played on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayDuring these hours
Whole dayLanguages
Descoperă una din cele mai vechi biserici din Oltenia.
Surprinde case neo-românești, franceze și mediteraneene de-a lungul traseului tău!
Vezi una din cele mai vechi case de târgoveți din sudul țării.
Vei vedea unde s-a cântat imnul pentru prima dată!
Experience's route
Starting point Statuie Mircea cel Batran
Centru, Râmnicu Vâlcea, RomaniaFinish point Monumentul Imnului
Râmnicu Vâlcea 245900, RomaniaPlaces you will visit
It will take you
90-120 mins
You will walk
2760 steps
Total distance
2.1 km
Places to visit
You will discover interesting places along the route of the experience.
Biserica Buna Vestire
Statuie Mircea cel Batran
- Route open 24/7 but better during daylight hours
- We recommend not playing at night
- No attractions ticket(s) required
- Quest available only in Romanian
Ratings and Reviews
26 ratings
What does a Questo Experience look like?
Walk and explore the Real-World
Download the Questo app and choose your experience. Walk and follow clues to solve puzzles and unveil new locations and stories along the way.
Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests
For your next trip, explore by going on a sightseeing quest without a guide. Enjoy the flexibility of starting and stopping the experience whenever you want, without the fear of missing out on the best places to visit or the best stories to learn.
Make your date memorable
Invite your partner for a date, and go together on a fun walking adventure. Questo is a great date idea for couples that want to spend time together, but also for first dates or proposals.
Role-play in your city
Attend a Questo Event, and immerse yourself in your favourite stories. Dress up in a costume for extra fun.
Have an unlock code?
Can be played on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SundayDuring these hours
Whole dayLanguages