Explore the Montsacopa Volcano in Olot. Family-friendly game.

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[EN] With this game you'll discover the most important volcano in Olot and have a lot of fun! As a good explorer, you'll need to be brave and find the right clues to solve the puzzles... Are you ready for the adventure? 

[CAT] Amb aquest joc, descobrireu el volcà més important d'Olot i us ho passareu bé! Com a bon explorador/a, hauràs de ser valent/a i intel·ligent/a per trobar les pistes i solucionar els enigmes. Sembla ser que a Olot se sent olor de fum... Estàs a punt per l'aventura? 

Free experience

No booking needed. Unlock the game by adding your email down below.


  • Can be played on
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

  • During these hours
    Whole day

  • Languages


  • Discover the Montsacopa volcano! Descobreix el volcà Montsacopa |

  • Family-friendly. Ideal per fer en família |

  • The best views of Olot! Les millors vistes d'Olot! |

  • Game in English and Catalan. En anglès i català.


[EN] You are a famous explorer, known for your bravery and respect for nature. A few days ago some smokes were seen around Olot and you were asked to go and have a look. Are you ready to start exploring?

[CAT] Ets un/a famós/a explorador/a, conegut/a per la teva valentia i respecte per la natura. Fa uns dies que s'han vist unes fumaroles per Olot i t'han demanat que vagis a fer-hi un cop d'ull. Estàs preparat per començar a explorar?

Experience's route

Starting point Parking Gratuit
17800 Olot, Girona, Spain

Places you will visit


It will take you

62-92 mins

You will walk

2100 steps

Total distance

1.6 km

  • Varied terrain/elevation, may not be suitable for those with limited mobility
  • Family friendly
  • Comfortable shoes are highly recommended!
  • Bring water with you
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What does a Questo Experience look like?

  • Walk and explore the Real-World

    Download the Questo app and choose your experience. Walk and follow clues to solve puzzles and unveil new locations and stories along the way.

  • Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests

    For your next trip, explore by going on a sightseeing quest without a guide. Enjoy the flexibility of starting and stopping the experience whenever you want, without the fear of missing out on the best places to visit or the best stories to learn.

  • Make your date memorable

    Invite your partner for a date, and go together on a fun walking adventure. Questo is a great date idea for couples that want to spend time together, but also for first dates or proposals.

  • Role-play in your city

    Attend a Questo Event, and immerse yourself in your favourite stories. Dress up in a costume for extra fun.


3010 XP