New York SoHo District Highlights

3.9 (10 oceny)
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Otwórz galerię
Welcome to the beautiful neighborhood of SoHo – an area filled with unique boutiques, galleries, one-of-a-kind restaurants and beautiful architecture. It’s also a wonder for the ears, with a huge array of live musical performances on offer. 
Come and explore this upbeat, trendy side of the city, and uncover the essence of 


  • Można grać na
    Poniedziałek, Wtorek, Środa, Czwartek, Piątek, Sobota, Niedziela

  • W tych godzinach
    Cały dzień

  • Języki


  • Discover secret hidden shops

  • Learn about the area’s wonderful history

  • Find trendy spots that locals and tourists love to visit


You’ve moved to New York City after a bad break-up back home and are searching for the best neighborhood to live in. Today, you’re exploring SoHo.

Outside Bleeker Str Station, you collide with a man wearing a green sweater and grey scarf. He has the kindest eyes you’ve ever seen. He mumbles an apology and disappears into the crowd outside Levain Bakery – and possibly out of your life forever.
As you tell yourself to forget about him, you notice that he dropped a book at your feet. Is it a sign?

Trasa doświadczenia

Punkt wyjścia Levain Bakery - NoHo
340 Lafayette St, New York, NY 10012, USA
Punkt końcowy Mishka SoHo Restaurant
47 Thompson St, New York, NY 10013, USA

Miejsca, które odwiedzisz


To cię zabierze

64-94 mins

Będziesz chodzić

2630 kroki

Całkowita odległość

2 km

  • Best during the day
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families
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29 Aug 2022


22 Apr 2022


18 Mar 2022

Andy Neusner

06 Mar 2022

Amy Stillman Goldberg

06 Mar 2022

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Tabela liderów

Fantastic Four
4570 XP
Andy Neusner
4570 XP
Amy Stillman Goldberg
4565 XP

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