London LGBTQ: Detective Mystery

4.5 (92 oceny)
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Play a city game in London and discover just how queer some of its most iconic landmarks can be. Explore the neighborhoods of Soho and Covent Garden, follow clues and uncover almost forgotten secrets from this centuries-old cradle of LGBT misfits and rebels.

Ready? Let’s dive into the very soul of London’s real queer community.


  • Można grać na
    Poniedziałek, Wtorek, Środa, Czwartek, Piątek, Sobota, Niedziela

  • W tych godzinach
    Cały dzień

  • Języki
    Anglik, Hiszpan


  • Find out the LGBT anecdotes behind Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden Piazza and Piccadilly Circus.

  • Be shocked by the macabre story of "Jack the Ripper of Soho"

  • Discover the LGBT history of the Royal Family.

  • Be amazed by the witty ways the LGBT community used to flirt back when homosexuality was a crime.

  • Learn about the LGBT historical discrimination and what milestones have marked the fight for equal rights and laws that exist in England today.


You are the world-famous detective Maison Blanc, summoned to London to solve what appears to be another impossible case. You have come here to investigate the disappearance of Rita, a teenager who went missing a few months ago.

As you walk the streets of Soho to pursue your investigation, your renowned sense of observation strikes. You barely arrived here, and you already have a “tail”. Who is this strange man following you?

This case already seems dangerous, exciting, and hard to crack.

Are you up for the challenge?

Trasa doświadczenia

Punkt końcowy Le Meridien Hotel
19 Piccadilly, Mayfair, London W1J 0LA, UK

Miejsca, które odwiedzisz


To cię zabierze

53-83 mins

Będziesz chodzić

3940 kroki

Całkowita odległość

3 km

  • Best during the day
  • Instagrammable
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92 oceny

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Naomi Le Dune

19 Jun 2024

Harley Ballard

11 Feb 2024

Danielle Crouch

07 Feb 2024
it was inspiring and a lot of fun

Joanna Mahlis

05 Feb 2024

Jantea Alexandra

25 Dec 2023

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Tabela liderów

Jantea Alexandra
4600 XP
Megan Thomas
4457 XP
4422 XP

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