Berlin Wall: Greatest Escapes from East Berlin Walking Tour & Escape Game

4.47 (1224 oceny)
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Step back in time to the era of the Berlin Wall and uncover the most daring escape stories from East Berlin in this immersive walking tour and escape game. Visit iconic locations like Checkpoint Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate, while solving puzzles and learning about the ingenious ways people attempted to cross the heavily guarded border. 

This self-guided adventure allows you to explore at your own pace, diving deep into the history of the divided city.

In this journey, you live in East Berlin, separated from your brother who is on the other side of the wall. Inspired by real-life escape stories, you must find a clever way to cross the border and reunite with him. 

Perfect for history lovers, adventurers, and puzzle enthusiasts, this tour immerses you in the dramatic atmosphere of Cold War Berlin, offering a unique blend of exploration, history, and challenge.


  • Można grać na
    Poniedziałek, Wtorek, Środa, Czwartek, Piątek, Sobota, Niedziela

  • W tych godzinach
    Cały dzień

  • Języki
    Niemiec, Anglik, Hiszpan, Francuz, Holenderski


  • Go on a mission along the Berlin wall and uncover the greatest escape stories from East Berlin

  • Visit Checkpoint Charlie and the Brandenburg Gate

  • Play a city exploration game by yourself, without a guide


At the end of the Second World War, Germany’s fate was decided during the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences: Germany was split among the Allied Forces. Consequently, Berlin was also divided between Soviet Russia (East Berlin) and England, USA, and France (West Berlin). 

The split through the heart of the city led to constant tensions, protests, and increasingly higher numbers of East Berliners fleeing the GDR (German Democratic Republic) through West Berlin. So, in 1961, the Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall, making it almost impossible to cross from East to West.

You too live in East Berlin, but your brother is in the other half of the city. You want to join him, but for that, you must find an ingenious way to escape! You have no idea how, so you’ll start by closely studying the other great escapes.

Trasa doświadczenia

Punkt wyjścia S+U Postdamer Platz (Leipziger Platz)
S+U Potsdamer Platz (Bln) [Bus Leipziger Str.], 10117 Berlin, Germany
Punkt końcowy Brandenburg Gate
Brandenburger Tor 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany

Miejsca, które odwiedzisz


To cię zabierze

57-87 mins

Będziesz chodzić

5120 kroki

Całkowita odległość

3.9 km

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Tabela liderów

5357 XP
3700 XP
Philip van den Donk
3700 XP

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