Democracy Quest in Washington DC National Mall

4.34 (67 Bewertungen)
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Play a democracy city game that will take you through the grounds of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Take on the challenge and learn about the symbol of America’s democratic government and legislature, while encountering architectural and art masterpieces.

Ready to practice your diplomacy skills?


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • Explore America’s legislative symbols: the U.S. Capitol and Supreme Court

  • Quench your thirst for knowledge outside the largest library in the world

  • Escape the metropolitan area and find shelter in the Summerhouse

  • Pay your respects at the memorials of high-profile Washingtonians


You are a famous historian from Yale, tracing the 200-year-old paths of enslaved Philip Reid, who helped sculptor Thomas Crawford raise the Statue of Freedom atop Capitol’s dome. 

You know he was freed when Abraham Lincoln signed the Compensated Emancipation Act, a law that ended slavery in the District. But nothing about his origins, life during slavery, and death. 

You just got an email: “Search for the time capsule. In it are the answers about the man representing generations of African-Americans forced into bondage. Your friend from The Land of The Rising Sun.” Is this a trap or a piece of good fortune? You must find out.

Route der Erfahrung

Startpunkt Columbus Circle
Washington, DC 20002, United States
Zielpunkt Robert A. Taft Memorial and Carillon
New Jersey Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001, United States

Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

85-115 mins

Du wirst gehen

5250 Schritte


4 km

  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


67 Bewertungen

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11 Nov 2024


10 Nov 2024
it was a great interactive educational hunt!! We loved it

Sanai McVay

09 Nov 2024

Melba Jones

09 Nov 2024


13 Jun 2024

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Sanai McVay
3700 XP
3659 XP
3649 XP

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