Highlights of Seattle: The Time Travelling Agent

4.55 (157 Bewertungen)
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Seattle is world-renowned for its rainy weather and strong coffee, but it is also a city of artists, tech entrepreneurs, and innovators.During this city exploration game, you will follow clues to discover intriguing places that capture the innovative spirit of Seattle, as well as learn about the people whose dreams and forward-thinking created this unique city.  Are you ready to discover Seattle?


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


    Marvel at Seattle's innovative spirit, captured in iconic locations such as the Space Needle and the MOPOP Learn about the thought pioneers whose ambitions and hard work shaped Seattle and the worldExplore Seattle's beautiful green spaces and parks, including the Olympic Sculpture Park and the Seattle Center


You are a time traveler from the year 2742. You travel across time and space to learn about the events that have shaped and will shape Earth. Your Mandate is to observe only, not change events.

Recently, one of your fellow time travelers, Robert Chronos, went missing, and the Time Travel Agency fears he broke the Mandate.

Equipped with a beacon that senses his presence, you travel to his last known time and location: 21st century Seattle. You must stop Chronos before he destroys time itself.

Route der Erfahrung

Startpunkt Seattle Cloud Cover
2901 Elliott Ave, Seattle, WA 98121, USA
Zielpunkt International Fountain Whales
305 Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98109, USA

Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

49-79 mins

Du wirst gehen

3940 Schritte


3 km

  • Please be cautious of traffic
  • Don’t enter the places, not part of the experience
  • Kids under 12 should be guided by their parents
  • Game ends in another place than it starts
  • Cross the street carefully
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


157 Bewertungen

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28 Sep 2024
Great fun.....a beautiful way to explore parts of the city that I otherwise would never have discovered.

Scott Nomura

04 Sep 2024

Maya Raman

04 Sep 2024


19 Aug 2024

Scott Wilkinson

28 Jul 2024

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4000 XP
David Frenk
4000 XP
4000 XP

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