Troll Hunters in Østmarka, Oslo

5 (5 Bewertungen)
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We will be hunting for trolls in Østmarka, the forest east of Oslo.

The Christmas troll is a subspecies of the common Norwegian forest troll. These trolls live close to cities and can be lured with an offering of Christmas ornaments.

Packing list
- At least one Christmas ornament that can withstand the elements. 
- Bad Weather: Suitable clothing and good shoes as the forest gets slippery.
- Good weather: A water bottle, the uphill part of the route can get exhausting. 

Kostenlose Erfahrung

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  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • go on a nice one hour hike in Østmarka

  • see the local curiosity of the "Juletreet", a tree that's decorated for Christmas by locals all year round (bring an ornament to participate in the tradition)

  • see the Oppsal area from a nice viewpoint

  • good for families and children


We will be hunting for trolls in Østmarka, the forest east of Oslo.

The Christmas troll is a subspecies of the common Norwegian forest troll. These trolls live close to cities and can be lured with an offering of Christmas ornaments.

Packing list
- At least one Christmas ornament that can withstand the elements. 
- Bad Weather: Suitable clothing and good shoes as the forest gets slippery.
- Good weather: A water bottle, the uphill part of the route can get exhausting. 

Route der Erfahrung

Startpunkt Solbergliveien p-plass
Østensjø, Oslo, Norway
Zielpunkt The End
0684 Oslo, Norway

Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

45-75 mins

Du wirst gehen

2240 Schritte


1.7 km

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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


5 Bewertungen

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Joanna RC Herczog

12 Sep 2024
it was great!

Alexander Kohl

16 Jul 2024
beautiful walk through an amazing forest. the trolls were somehow elusive, but we found the toe of a troll next to the path. thanks so much for preparing this.

Julia Berg

03 Dec 2023

Mykola Derevianchenko

03 Dec 2023


03 Dec 2023

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Laura George
3100 XP
Mykola Derevianchenko
2800 XP
2755 XP