Historic Ironbridge

4.25 (4 Bewertungen)
Quest image more than 2
"In 'Historic Ironbridge', players are transported to the industrious town of Ironbridge in the pivotal year of 1932. 

Having spent cherished years here during the Great War, sheltered by your grandparents from the chaos of battlefronts and factories, the landscape is both hauntingly familiar and jarringly different. 

Now in your mid-twenties and driven by necessity, you tread the cobblestone streets once more, not as a carefree child but as a hopeful job-seeker. 

As you embark on this quest, you'll navigate the town's landmarks, confronting both the challenges of a shifting post-war economy and the ghostly echoes of bygone days. 

This outdoor escape game offers an immersive dive into Ironbridge's storied past, a fusion of history, nostalgia, and the timeless search for belonging."


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • Climb the often-ignored back streets and steep stairs of the town.

  • Walk across the world-famous Iron Bridge.

  • Meet real local characters and learn their history.

  • Explore the sights and sounds of the Industrial Revolution.

  • Stop for refreshments at any of the many tea rooms and coffee shops.


The year is 1932. You arrive in Ironbridge, a town you remember from your childhood. 

During the Great War, you were sent here to stay with your grandparents while your father was fighting on the front line and your mother had to work in the munitions factory.

A lot has changed since then, and now in your mid-twenties and unemployed you have returned to this industrial town looking for work. This is your first day back, job hunting while reliving childhood memories at the same time.

Route der Erfahrung

Startpunkt Wharfage Car Park
Ironbridge, Telford TF8 7NH, UK

Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

118-148 mins

Du wirst gehen

4990 Schritte


3.8 km

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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


4 Bewertungen

5 Sterne
4 Sterne
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2 Sterne
1 Stern
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09 Feb 2025


19 Feb 2025


06 Apr 2024

Daniel Daisley

23 Sep 2023

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4480 XP
Daniel Daisley
4173 XP
3827 XP

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