Highlights of Cagliari: Adventures of the Janas

4.3 (57 Bewertungen)
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Discover the mysteries behind Cagliari’s essence as a chef in search of inspiration, exploring the inspiring bustle of the city and its local myths.

You will uncover Cagliari’s secrets, and you will see Bastione di Saint Remy, Piazza Yenne, and the Duomo from a unique perspective. 

On this quest, you will tour Cagliari through its iconic centre, but you will find out what is hiding beneath.Ready to see Cagliari like a local and discover its riddles and quirks? Right this way.


  • Kann gespielt werden auf
    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag, Sonntag

  • Während dieser Stunden
    Ganzer Tag

  • Sprachen


  • Uncover the secret of Carlo Felice’s statue in Piazza Yenne

  • Explore the infamous streets of Stampace

  • Discover the aristocratic side of Cagliari

  • Learn about Cagliari’s first entrepreneurial genius


You’re Camille, and you’re on a mission, but not just any mission.
You’ve spent the last 5 years as a bartender in your native Bordeaux, but serving drinks isn't your dream. Cooking, that’s the stuff of gods! 

So you packed your bags and roamed all of France looking for… well you don’t know what, but you know what it’ll feel like, that one special thing to open your own restaurant. In Corsica, you came close, and Cagliari is your last chance.
Also, you’re running out of money, so this better work…

Route der Erfahrung

Zielpunkt Chiesa di Santa Lucia in Marina
Via Sardegna, 37, 09124 Cagliari CA, Italy

Orte, die du besuchen wirst


Es wird dich nehmen

86-116 mins

Du wirst gehen

3810 Schritte


2.9 km

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  • We recommend that each user purchases a ticket for an optimal experience, although several people can share a phone.
  • Pause, continue exploring at your own pace or replay at any time.
  • After your booking, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download and play the game on your phone.
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen


57 Bewertungen

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Roberta Melis

06 Oct 2024
in italiano sarebbe stato moooolto più veloce


30 Sep 2024
What a fantastic introduction to the city!

George Nunn

26 Aug 2024


24 Jul 2024


18 Jul 2024

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Rosamaria Calandra
4600 XP
Julie Arnaud
4600 XP
4600 XP

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