Ghosts of Washington D.C.
Although many of the locations are within some of the Smithsonian museums, the game can also be played when the buildings are closed, with a little help from the internet and some ingenuity.
If you every wanted to go on a ghost hunt and have fun learning history along the way; then our little spooky journey with paranormal investigator Ripley Bates will be loads of fun for all ages!
Experiență gratuită
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
Întreaga ziLimbi
Puncte importante
You start at the Library of Congress and end at the Washington Monument.
The map is a pretty straight shot, zig zagging down the mall. GPS addresses are a bit weird here, but there are street maps along the way and building locations are clearly marked.
Check all museum hours if access is needed. You don't have to enter all the buildings to play.
If solid proof can be found, Ripley may be able to win the coveted Warren award for Excellence in Supernatural Research.
Will the ghost of the past speak or remain silent forever and is Ripley brave enough to stay the course, follow the clues and capture enough evidence to win? Maybe with your help...
Traseul experienței
Punct de plecare Library of Congress
68 First St SE, Washington, DC 20004, USAPunct de sosire The Washington Monument
Washington, DC 20024, USALocuri pe care le vei vizita
Te va lua
106-136 mins
Vei merge
5780 scări
Distanța totală
4.4 km
Puncte de interes
Vei descoperi locuri interesante de-a lungul experienței.
The Washington Monument
National Museum of the American Indian
- Comfortable shoes are highly recommended!
- The route is open daily from 09:00 until dusk
- Route open 24/7 but better during daylight hours
- Botanic garden is open daily between 9:00-20:00. In autumn is open between 9:00-17:00.
- Audio stories
- The game is not timed, so take your time
- We recommend not playing at night
- Some checkpoints may contain temporary construction work
Evaluări și recenzii
3 clasificare
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Experiență gratuită
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
Întreaga ziLimbi