Match the Picture: A Stony Brook Trail

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In 'Match the Picture: A Stony Brook Trail', players are invited to see the world through refreshed eyes, tracing the footsteps of a man who, for the longest time, was blinded to the beauty around him by the monotony of routine. 

Each day, he walked a path filled with the vibrant tapestry of nature but never truly saw it. But after a transformative day at work and the forging of a new friendship, his eyes open wide to the wonders of his daily journey. 

As participants navigate the scenic trail, they are challenged to match pictures of captivating vistas, flourishing flora, and serene waterways, all while rediscovering the magic that exists in everyday moments and the importance of truly seeing.

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A man walks to work everyday and laments entering the doors to his office. He doesn't listen to music, he stares straight ahead, doesn't wave to others or smile, and aims to get through the day as fast as possible. 

Then one day, he has an amazing day at work, and meets a new friend. The next day on his commute, he feels somewhat excited to go to work. He takes a look around and is amazed at how beautiful and scenic his walk to work really is, including breath-taking rivers, flowers, trees, etc.

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare A Taste of Wildlife in Stony
Harbor Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11790, USA
Punct de sosire Flowerfield Station
2 Parkside Dr, St James, NY 11780, USA

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

35-65 mins

Vei merge

4470 scări

Distanța totală

3.4 km

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