San Francisco The Aquatic Park: Mafia Job
You’re an errand boy for the most notorious American gangster of them all, Al Capone. He may be locked up on “The Rock”, but he can get things done!
With sweeping views of Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge and the Bay, this is one of the most beautiful areas in San Francisco.
Don’t take too much time admiring the scenery, you’re working for “Scarface” and he expects results, and punks who fail end up sleeping with the fishes.
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
Întreaga ziLimbi
Puncte importante
See the historic ships of the San Francisco Maritime Museum, the Balclutha, the Eureka, the Hercules, anchored in beautiful and historic Aquatic Cove.
Visit Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco’s famous Chocolate Factory, with shops, restaurants and sweeping vieWitness the Hyde St. Cable Car turnaround.
Start of the Hyde St. Line to Union Square.Marvel at the Aquatic Park - an Art Deco era treasure built as San Francisco’s waterfront playground - for swimming, boating and sunbathing!
You’re no punk, you’re smart. You know your way around Aquatic Park. The Boss tapped you, wheels turned, bribes got made, arms got twisted.
You’re a gunsel, coat collars up and fog swirling around lamp posts, waiting for a guy with a package, and a list.
Traseul experienței
Punct de plecare Hyde St. Pier
2899 Hyde St, San Francisco, CA 94109, USAPunct de sosire The SouthEnd and Dolphin Rowing Clubs
500 Jefferson St, San Francisco, CA 94109, USALocuri pe care le vei vizita
Te va lua
106-136 mins
Vei merge
1840 scări
Distanța totală
1.4 km
- Please be cautious of traffic
- Don’t enter the places, not part of the experience
- Kids under 12 should be guided by their parents
- Game ends in another place than it starts
- Cross the street carefully
Evaluări și recenzii
54 clasificare
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Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
Întreaga ziLimbi