Haunted Orlando

4.3 (64 clasificare)
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Stroll along the streets of downtown Orlando and unlock the City Beautiful's darkest mysteries. 

From heinous murders in hidden subterranean tunnels to ghostly apparitions like the phantom dog that haunts the shores of Lake Eola, you'll discover the shadowy secrets that lurk just miles from the bright lights and laughter of the Magic Kingdom.
Are you brave enough to face your fears and explore unexplained supernatural events that could only arise from the mystical heart of the spirit world?


  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

  • Limbi

Puncte importante

  • Uncover the strange origins of the name Orlando

  • Discover the most haunted street corner in Orlando, a powerful vortex that surges with supernatural energy

  • Visit the site of serial killer Ted Bundy's murder trial, where his tortured spirit still roams


You’re the gatekeeper between the land of the living and the dead. You accidentally left the gate open and some souls escaped. You’re now on a ghost hunting mission to put them back where they belong before they cause any major trouble. 

Most are harmless, but if provoked, things could get ugly. Luckily the gate can be transformed into something portable, like a backpack. With your list of the missing and the gate packed, you’re ready to hunt down some dead guys!

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare Chinese Pagoda
566 E Robinson St, Orlando, FL 32803, USA
Punct de sosire Orlando Reeves Marker
292225000000082, Orlando, FL 32801, USA

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

45-75 mins

Vei merge

4200 scări

Distanța totală

3.2 km

  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Best at night
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64 clasificare

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