Madrid’s Wild West: The Headless Adventure

4.53 (58 clasificare)
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Deschide galeria
On this tour, you will meet Napoleon, the famous painter Francisco Goya, and even the Virgin Mary. 

You will fight in the Spanish Civil War, run from wild boars, climb strawberry trees with bears, and celebrate a traditional Melon Party. And once you’re done, you’ll understand why Madrid’s river – the Manzanares – is nothing to be laughed about. 


  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

  • Limbi
    Engleză, Spaniolă

Puncte importante

  • Explore the “Brooklyn” of Madrid

  • Discover a secluded oasis of streams and ponds in the midst of the city

  • Be amazed by spectacular views of the Royal Palace and the Almudena Cathedral you can’t see from anywhere else


You woke up when you hit the ground further up the hill and rolled down from there. 

Where are you? You recall hearing a vehicle racing off after they threw you out at this park. Who were they? And, coming to think of it: Who are you? 

You hear sirens approaching, but once they get closer, they chase after the vehicle. Lying face-down on the grass, you try to turn around and are suddenly overcome by an even more pressing question: Where the hell is your body? All that’s left of you is your head!

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare Statue of José Artigas
PºRuperto Chapí-Moncloa, 28008 Madrid, Spain
Punct de sosire Tirso de Molina Market
Calle de Doña Urraca, 15, 28011 Madrid, Spain

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

44-74 mins

Vei merge

6960 scări

Distanța totală

5.3 km

  • Best during the day
  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families
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