Bristol Pirate Treasures

4 (2 clasificare)
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Dive into the city’s pirate past, where you'll uncover the secrets of infamous figures like Blackbeard and hear tales of daring exploits on the high seas. Experience a thrilling ghost tour as you navigate through some of Bristol’s most beautiful and historic areas, each corner echoing with eerie stories and fascinating history. 

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    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

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Puncte importante

  • Uncover the inspiration behind the spyglass and Admiral Benbow from Treasure Island.

  • Explore haunted cave systems where pirate legends still linger.

  • Visit the dwellings of infamous pirate hunters who once terrorized the Caribbean.

  • Discover locations frequented by the notorious pirate Blackboard himself.


In 1700s Bristol, you're a servant with dreams of piracy. A tip-off reveals a secret recruitment for Captain Blackheart's crew, your chance to escape a dull life. To find the hidden sign-up spot, you must navigate Bristol’s notorious pirate haunts and speak with the ghosts of long-dead pirates. They hold the clues to your destiny, but danger lurks. Can you prove your worth and join the crew, or will the city's shadows swallow you whole?

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare The Old Docks, The Birthplace of Blackbeard
Bristol BS1 6UD, UK
Punct de sosire The Llandoger Trow
King St, Bristol BS1 4ER, UK

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

85-115 mins

Vei merge

4340 scări

Distanța totală

3.3 km

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14 Sep 2024
the creator is definitely knowledgeable on pirate facts in Bristol. it was very interesting and a great way to discover Bristol, it takes you through markets and along the harbour. definitely one to keep the kids entertained! clear instructions, definitely one to consider on a sunny day x

Matthew Clipsham

03 Jan 2025

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Louise Jupe
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