Cat gods in Athens: A life and death tour

4.33 (9 clasificare)
Quest image more than 2
Deschide galeria
Visiting the first cemetery of Athens is something I would highly recommend to everybody who visits the city or even the citizens who never thought about it. 

This cemetery is of high importance if you consider the culture, the history, the aesthetics, the art and all the mysticism one could experience in a place where we realize our existence through others, through the act of honoring the others. 

Attention! cemetery closes at 5pm, go earlier

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  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    09:00AM - 05:00PM

  • Limbi

Puncte importante

  • You will learn some historical facts you may didn't know or you never thought about,you will laugh maybe, maybe you'll, cry or you may feel indifferent.

  • Anyways, for sure you will bear with me,my connotations and my insane way of thinking.

  • Solve the quizzes, listen to some tunes.

  • At the end of the day it's your own decision to find the cat shrine!


Oops! You are in a cemetery! Act gently, honor the place, don't play loud music. If you behave well, you will reach the final destination which is a shrine with cats. All those cats escaped from the urban area in order to find a heaven full of pine trees and cypresses. 

Solve all puzzles to receive the honor of cats.

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare Μνήμα Ιωάννη Βαρβάκη
Athens 116 36, Greece
Punct de sosire Παράρτημα Προτεσταντικού Νεκροταφείου Αθήνα
Logginou 3, Athina 116 36, Greece

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

105-135 mins

Vei merge

2500 scări

Distanța totală

1.9 km

  • We recommend not playing at night
  • No attractions ticket(s) required
  • Pause, continue exploring at your own pace or replay at any time.
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Evaluări și recenzii


9 clasificare

5 Stele
4 Stele
3 Stele
2 Stele
1 Stea
Sortează după

Maria Beeraki

22 Sep 2024


03 Jan 2024
Very interesting game! I hope it will be expanded to the rest of the cemetery soon! cats for life 🐈🙏


03 Jan 2024


03 Jan 2024

Κυριακή Γιαουζάκι

03 Jan 2024

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3400 XP
Anna en Finn
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3300 XP