Canals of Amsterdam: Wonders of The City

4.32 (79 clasificare)
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Play a city game while you follow clues and solve creative riddles to discover the hidden stories behind the architecture of the houses in Amsterdam, the Western Church, the old bridges, the beguinage, and finally, the very heart and soul of Amsterdam: Dam Square. 

Are you ready to explore Amsterdam’ winding canals?


  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

  • Limbi

Puncte importante

  • Visit the oldest bridge in Amsterdam

  • Visit the historical residences of the most famous philosophers of all time

  • Find out why Amsterdam’s houses lean forward and search for one of the smallest houses in the city

  • Discover one of the oldest and the smallest bar/cafés tucked away in the centre of Amsterdam


You are Ayiina, a shaman who left her home in the forests of Siberia to wander across the land in search of the true meaning of life. After many adventures, your journey has brought you to the city of Amsterdam. You are so used to being a stranger that it takes you by surprise when you bump into the one person you hoped never to see again… 

It’s the man who burned down your village and murdered your family!
This is your one chance for justice. Can you punish him without becoming evil yourself?

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare Dam Square
Dam, 1012 Amsterdam, Netherlands
Punct de sosire Amsterdam Museum
Kalverstraat 92, 1012 PH Amsterdam, Netherlands

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

90-120 mins

Vei merge

3150 scări

Distanța totală

2.4 km

  • Best during the day
  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families
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Evaluări și recenzii


79 clasificare

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Sortează după


19 Sep 2024

Matteo Rossi

16 Sep 2024


23 Aug 2024

Joel Nilsson

23 Aug 2024

Hannah Schejbal

01 Jul 2024
Story was so random - the woman just loves her logs! But overall a really fun and silly way to walk around central Amsterdam with 3 adults on a Monday afternoon! would love if jt happened to include food recs as well for stops throughout!

Cum arată o experiență Questo?

  • Mergi și explorează lumea reală

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  • Mergi în quest-uri și explorează orașe

    Pentru următoarea ta călătorie, alege să explorezi mergând într-o căutare fără ghid. Începe și oprește-te oricând dorești, fără teama de a pierde cele mai bune locuri de vizitat sau cele mai bune povești de învățat.

  • Fă-ți întâlnirea memorabilă

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  • Joacă de rol în orașul tău

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Arthur Pesch
3632 XP
André Caseiro
3400 XP
3400 XP

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