Porto's Art and Soul: The art-loving route
This is the House Museum of Fernando de Castro. He was the son of a merchant of Porto, with his shop at the end of Rua das Flores at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century.
This commercial house sold wallpaper, mirrors, crystals, and glass, and represented the French company "Saint Gobain", which was created to help decorate Versailles.
Fernando was a collector, poet, caricaturist, and designer who lived in this house in the last years of the 19th century and the first half of the latter. During his lifetime he saw Portugal turn from a constitutional monarchy to a republic, the first world war, and the first decades of the dictatorship.
Especially in this last period loads of medieval buildings were ripped out of their gilded woodwork from later centuries.
As a lover of art and culture, he made his way through art dealers and antiquaries and transformed his house into a living work of art.
Between the saintly and the profane, this is one of the most well-hidden gems of Porto!
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Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
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Faits saillants
You are going to discover about some aspects of the art scene of Porto, like the first Portuguese National Museum, the street Galleries of Miguel Bombarda, the reforms of the dictatorship and the house museum of one of the most peculiar person in Porto.
You'll see an interpretation of moments of the life of the collector, artist and poet, spread all over. From the 19th to the 20th century, from childhood to his death, the life's work of Fernando de Castro, that created the most peculiar House Museum, that can be visited today.
Good luck!
Route de l'expérience
Point de départ 1st Portuguese Colonial Exhibition
R. de Dom Manuel II, 4050-346 Porto, PortugalPoint d'arrivée House Museum of Fernando de Castro
Rua de Costa Cabral 716, 4200-211 Porto, PortugalLieux que tu visiteras
Cela vous emmènera
74-104 mins
Tu vas marcher
6830 pas
Distance totale
5.2 km
Évaluations et commentaires
1 taux
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