Ben Franklin's Murder Mystery Tour! - Philadelphia

4.58 (26 taux)
Quest image more than 2
A body has been found and only YOU can find the secret murderer! 

Join Ben Franklin as you investigate the city of Philadelphia so you can discover which of the Founding Fathers committed the crime. 

Chat with 18th Century leaders, investigate clues, learn secrets about the city, and ultimately uncover who the true killer is. You are in for one WILD, historical ride so buckle in!

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Travel from Love Park to Old City

  • Hit all of the most interesting landmarks in the city from the Liberty Bell and Reading Terminal Market to Betsy Ross' House

  • Learn all about the history and secrets of Philadelphia

  • Play the ultimate mystery game of Who Dunnit!


Hello, travelers! My name is Benjamin Franklin and I need your help. You may know me as one of America's most well-known printers, publishers, inventors, scientists, and diplomats. Maybe you once learned about my escapades with the key and the kite during the lightning storm?

Anyway, today I am an investigator and I need you to be my partner. We've discovered a dead body, murdered in cold blood, and all we know is that one of the Founding Fathers is the culprit. Can you help identify the killer?

Route de l'expérience


Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

45-75 mins

Tu vas marcher

4600 pas

Distance totale

3.5 km

  • The game is not timed, so take your time
  • No attractions ticket(s) required
  • We recommend that each user purchases a ticket for an optimal experience, although several people can share a phone.
  • Game ends in another place than it starts
  • Get in touch with our 24/7 customer support:
  • Cross the street carefully
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Télécharge l'application Questo et tu es prêt

Télécharge-la, choisis ton parcours et marche simplement jusqu'au point de départ.

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Évaluations et commentaires


26 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par


21 May 2024


13 May 2024


08 May 2024


26 Apr 2024


13 Apr 2024

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Lisa Tägtström
3400 XP
Stephanie Hall
3400 XP
3400 XP

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