Superheroes in New York: Midtown Walking Tour & Escape Game Adventure

4.44 (39 taux)
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Step into the world of your favorite superheroes with this exciting walking tour and escape game through Midtown Manhattan. 

Stand on the spot where Peter Parker became Spider-Man, see where Captain America took his first steps in the modern world, and witness where Iron Man soared through the skies. As you explore iconic locations, you’ll also step into the shoes of Clark Kent at the Daily Planet and visit the site where the Penguin threatened world leaders.

In this thrilling adventure, you play as Miss Manhatta, one of New York City’s five protectors, using your superspeed and flight to patrol the city. But something feels off today in Midtown—it's up to you to solve the mystery and stop the villains lurking in the shadows. 

Perfect for superhero fans, comic book lovers, and adventurers, this self-guided tour allows you to uncover hidden secrets of the city’s superhero universe while solving puzzles at your own pace.

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Stand on the spot where Peter Parker became Spiderman!

  • See where Captain America's took his first steps into the modern world!

  • Witness where Iron Man took his most famous flights!

  • Step into Clark Kent's shoes at the Daily Planet!

  • Check out the site where the Penguin threatened the leaders of the world!


You are MISS MANHATTA, one of the five protectors of New York City’s five boroughs. 

With the superspeed of a New York Minute paired with the flight of a Central Park pigeon, you’re employed by the city to keep your beloved borough safe from a diverse gallery of villains attacking the city that never sleeps. 

Today, you’re patrolling Midtown––a favorite hangout for bad guys who want to strike at the heart of the city. 
But... something seems off today…

Route de l'expérience

Point de départ Sharansky Steps at Ralph Bunche Park, (across from the United Nations)
West side of E. 43rd and 1st Avenue near UN Headquarters
Point d'arrivée 135 W 50th St
135 W 50th St, New York, NY 10020, USA

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

31-61 mins

Tu vas marcher

4730 pas

Distance totale

3.6 km

  • Kid friendly
  • Don’t enter the places, not part of the experience
  • Kids under 12 should be guided by their parents
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Évaluations et commentaires


39 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
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04 Feb 2024

Ebba Oldenborg

14 Aug 2023


12 Aug 2023

Patrick Gerland

09 Aug 2023

Christine Smith

08 Aug 2023

À quoi ressemble une expérience Questo ?

  • Marche et explore le monde réel

    Télécharge l'application Questo et choisis ton expérience. Marche et suis les indices pour résoudre des énigmes et découvrir de nouveaux endroits et histoires en chemin.

  • Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

    Pour ton prochain voyage, explore en faisant une quête touristique sans guide. Profite de la flexibilité de commencer et arrêter l'expérience quand tu veux, sans craindre de rater les meilleurs endroits à visiter ou les meilleures histoires à découvrir. Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests: Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

  • Rends ton rendez-vous mémorable

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  • Jouez un rôle dans votre ville

    Participe à un événement Questo et plonge dans tes histoires préférées. Déguises-toi pour encore plus de fun.


Line - The mean one
3400 XP
3400 XP
Brian Parra
3400 XP

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