Historic Margate - Beach Boys and Bathing Belles: a Seaside Trail through Victorian Margate

4.22 (9 taux)
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Travel back to the delights of sea bathing in Victorian Margate. 

In this quest you are racing against the imminent arrival of the Paddle Steamer, bringing with it a rather straight-laced Aunt. 

See if you can enjoy some of the many delights that there were on offer for the Victorian holidaymaker at this highly popular sea resort and still make it to your Bathing Hut in good time to enjoy a rejuvenating dip just as you like it. 

Telescopes are optional!

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Get a real taste of what Margate was like for Victorian holidaymakers and sea bathers

  • Discover the charms of the Old Town

  • Enjoy the relaxing Walpole Bay and its tidal pool

  • See one of the tiniest theatres in the world - The Tom Thumb

  • Find "a fine Arcadian bolthole" at the Libertines' Albion Rooms hotel.


As a visitor to sunny Margate you are keen to have a revitalising 'sea bath' with a dear friend. 

However, you hear from a cousin that your Aunt has already boarded a Paddle Steamer and is on her way. She has been scandalised by the reports of "promiscuous" (or mixed gender bathing) and men without bathing suits that she's read in the Observer so she has come armed with much moral indignation and her best telescope. 

Can you get get round the course and get your dip in the sea before she arrives?

Route de l'expérience


Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

113-143 mins

Tu vas marcher

4200 pas

Distance totale

3.2 km

  • We recommend not playing at night
  • Varied terrain/elevation, may not be suitable for those with limited mobility
  • Pause, continue exploring at your own pace or replay at any time.
  • Cross the street carefully
  • Game ends in another place than it starts
  • Kids under 12 should be guided by their parents
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Évaluations et commentaires


9 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par

Janette Palser

15 Jan 2025

Susanne Murphy

24 Sep 2023
this was our first experience of such a venture and it proved a great way to learn more about Margate . fully recommend it.experience

John W Murphy

24 Sep 2023
took us a few moments to figure out how everything worked. But once we got into the swing really enjoyed it. Great information. Really enjoyed it.

Kirstie S

07 May 2023
Great fun - okay I’m a little biased but try it out!


11 Feb 2023
A great dog-friendly seaside route, with an evocative recreation of Victorian Margate and including artistic themes

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3400 XP
3400 XP
Janette Palser
3400 XP

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