Estoril Highlights: The Spies' Nest
Return to 1941 and discover the Estoril of charm and spies in this journey of light and shadows. A town where artists, eccentric characters, aristocracy as well as spies socialized on the beaches and had fun trying their luck at the Casino.
Discover the places and people that inspired Ian Fleming, a British Intelligence officer in Estoril, to create the famous James Bond character in his first novel Casino Royale.
Dare to be a secret agent whose mission is to discover the identity of a furtive spy.
Disponibilité :
Peut être joué sur
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
Journée entièreLangues
Faits saillants
Travel back in time to the period of the Second World War and become involved in the fascinating world of espionage
Discover the true identity of a dangerous spy and contribute to the success of the Allied forces
Visit the places and meet the people who inspired Ian Fleming to create the famous character James Bond in his first novel Casino Royale
You know that there is a dangerous enemy spy undercover, giving secret information to the Germans about ships leaving Lisbon or passing offshore. In the middle of the Battle of the Atlantic, this information is crucial to the German submarines, which cause great losses to the Allied ships.
Discover the Estoril of charm and spies, in this journey of lights and shadows, collecting clues that will lead to the identity of the enemy.
Route de l'expérience
Point de départ Estoril Railway Station
Estoril Railway StationPoint d'arrivée Forte da Cruz (Fort of the Cross)
R. Olivença 13, 2765-262 Estoril, PortugalLieux que tu visiteras
Cela vous emmènera
106-136 mins
Tu vas marcher
3550 pas
Distance totale
2.7 km
Lieux à visiter
Tu découvriras des endroits intéressants le long de la route de l'expérience.
Forte da Cruz (Fort of the Cross)
Casal de S. Roque (S. Roque Villa)
Estoril Railway Station
Évaluations et commentaires
28 taux
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Disponibilité :
Peut être joué sur
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
Journée entièreLangues