Budapest Highlights: The Supernatural Detective

4.43 (132 taux)
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From the beginning of Budapest's history to the marked moments of modernity, you can discover the fascinating history of Hungary by experiencing the beauty of its buildings and monuments. 
This visit in the city centre will teach you about its culture, history, and people. The monuments, statues, and buildings that you will encounter in this route all have their own stories they will tell you. 
Learn the secrets of symbols and numbers and how Hungarians are deeply connected to their history. 

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Come along for a stroll through the centre of Pest and discover why Budapest is a city like no other.

  • Find out about the miniature statues scattered around Liberty Square

  • Learn about Princess Sisi and how her love of Hungary kept the peace

  • Europe's largest synagogue can be found in Budapest. What is the reason? Find out more about it with the help of a "very small" Jewish person at the former entrance to Budapest's Ghetto.


You are an expert in haunted buildings and supernatural structures. The mayor of Budapest has called you because something incredible is happening. 
There are reports that the city is coming alive - literally! The walls have grown mouths and are talking to strangers; whispering secrets in the dead of the night. And that’s not all! The statues have risen up from their plinths and are running amok in the streets! 
The mayor begs you to find out how and why this impossible thing is happening. 

Route de l'expérience

Point de départ Statue of Andrássy
Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér, 1054 Magyarország
Point d'arrivée Dohány Street Synagogue
Budapest, Dohány u. 6, 1074 Magyarország

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

65-95 mins

Tu vas marcher

3810 pas

Distance totale

2.9 km

  • Best during the day
  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families
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Évaluations et commentaires


132 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par

Zlatomira Dimcheva

30 Dec 2024


15 Dec 2024


12 Dec 2024
Funny Story, good to play. Thank you. :⁠-⁠)

Isabel C Rodriguez Mamian

05 Nov 2024

Andrei Tanase

04 Nov 2024

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