The magical instrument of the Bregenz Festival

4.83 (18 taux)
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Embark on a journey through the past to the present of Bregenz. Solve riddles and find the secret code to unlock the magical instrument of the Bregenz Festival.

On this tour through the city center, the old town and the lake, you will discover the most beautiful and exciting corners of Bregenz while learning about the city's history and culture. From the Romans through the Middle Ages to today's art and architecture of the city.

Are you ready to learn everything you need to know about Bregenz?

Expérience gratuite

Pas de réservation nécessaire. Déverrouille le jeu en ajoutant ton e-mail ci-dessous.

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Visit famous places like the Bregenz Festival and the slimmest house in Europe

  • Discover ancient Roman buildings and monuments

  • Enter the medieval old town Oberstadt and its legends

  • Learn about renowned art and architecture, such as the Kunsthaus Bregenz

  • Walk along the beautiful shore of Lake Constance to the Sunset Steps and the Fisherman's Pier


Your grandfather was a famous symphonist at the Bregenz Festival. Unfortunately, he passed away recently. 

After his death, you find an old, mysterious instrument case in his house. The case is locked. Next to it you find a letter from your grandfather. It is addressed to you. You remember that when you were a child, he told you about a magical instrument. Is it in this suitcase? 

Can you solve the riddles in your grandfather's letter to find out?

Route de l'expérience


Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

109-139 mins

Tu vas marcher

3290 pas

Distance totale

2.5 km

  • Route open 24/7 but better during daylight hours
  • The game is not timed, so take your time
  • If the weather gets cold, you can pause and go inside to warm up at almost any location in the game
  • No attractions ticket(s) required
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Évaluations et commentaires


18 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par

Cornel D

06 Nov 2024

Alexandra Hämmerle

22 Aug 2024


22 Aug 2024

Theresa König

22 Aug 2024


22 Aug 2024
Extremely cool do get around the most beautiful places of Bregenz. Nice experimente!

À quoi ressemble une expérience Questo ?

  • Marche et explore le monde réel

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  • Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

    Pour ton prochain voyage, explore en faisant une quête touristique sans guide. Profite de la flexibilité de commencer et arrêter l'expérience quand tu veux, sans craindre de rater les meilleurs endroits à visiter ou les meilleures histoires à découvrir. Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests: Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

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Glenn VA
4600 XP
4600 XP
Janina Schülin
4600 XP