Finding Bella in Riga

3.78 (9 calificaciones)
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Embark on a thrilling real-world adventure with "Finding Bella in Riga" on Questo. 

Arielle receives a frantic call from her frenemy, Bella, who is in hiding and in danger in Riga. Hearing only cryptic words—Church, Freedom, Father, Grudge, Opera, International—Arielle rushes to Riga to unravel the clues and find Bella before it's too late. 

Join Arielle in navigating the city's landmarks, uncovering hidden secrets, and piecing together Bella's mysterious plight. Will you help Arielle find Bella and uncover the truth?

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Arielle's frenemy Bella suddenly gave her a distressed call (He Called Me Arielle shares their history).

Arielle? It’s Bella! Help me! I can’t talk for long. I’m in Riga & I’m going into hiding. If they find me, I don’t know what...

Arielle heard a loud crash in the background.
Shit. They’re here. 

The phone crackled & Arielle only heard 
& then, the phone went quiet.

Confused & concerned for Bella’s safety, Arielle flew to Riga to find Bella. 

Ruta de la experiencia

Punto de partida Nativity of Christ Orthodox Cathedral, Riga
Brīvības bulvāris 23, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1050, Latvia

Lugares que visitarás


Te llevará

84-114 mins

Vas a caminar

5520 pasos

Distancia total

4.2 km

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Calificaciones y reseñas


9 calificaciones

5 Estrellas
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3 Estrellas
2 Estrellas
1 Estrella
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Tabla clasificatoria

4000 XP
Ian Ahmet
4000 XP
Elīza Mosunova
4000 XP