Historic Margate - Beach Boys and Bathing Belles: a Seaside Trail through Victorian Margate
In this quest you are racing against the imminent arrival of the Paddle Steamer, bringing with it a rather straight-laced Aunt.
See if you can enjoy some of the many delights that there were on offer for the Victorian holidaymaker at this highly popular sea resort and still make it to your Bathing Hut in good time to enjoy a rejuvenating dip just as you like it.
Telescopes are optional!
Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas
Aspectos destacados
Get a real taste of what Margate was like for Victorian holidaymakers and sea bathers
Discover the charms of the Old Town
Enjoy the relaxing Walpole Bay and its tidal pool
See one of the tiniest theatres in the world - The Tom Thumb
Find "a fine Arcadian bolthole" at the Libertines' Albion Rooms hotel.
However, you hear from a cousin that your Aunt has already boarded a Paddle Steamer and is on her way. She has been scandalised by the reports of "promiscuous" (or mixed gender bathing) and men without bathing suits that she's read in the Observer so she has come armed with much moral indignation and her best telescope.
Can you get get round the course and get your dip in the sea before she arrives?
Ruta de la experiencia
Punto de partida Dreamland
49 -51 Marine Terrace, Margate CT9 1XP, UKPunto final The Albion Rooms
31 Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville, Margate CT9 2HL, UKLugares que visitarás
Te llevará
113-143 mins
Vas a caminar
4200 pasos
Distancia total
3.2 km
Lugares para visitar
Descubrirás lugares interesantes a lo largo de la ruta de la experiencia.
Fort Promenade
Margate Clock Tower
- We recommend not playing at night
- Kids under 12 should be guided by their parents
Calificaciones y reseñas
9 calificaciones
Susanne Murphy
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Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas