Manchester Music: 80's & 90's Musical Tour
Come and explore the historical era of the 80's & 90's that put Manchester on the map for music.
Visit the location of the Sex Pistols gig in the 70's which was the inspiration for it all. With stories of kidnap, bankruptcy and Barbados this guide will give you the lowdown on bands like The Smiths, Happy Mondays, Oasis & even Madonna.
Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas
Aspectos destacados
Find out where Oasis played their first gig and where they buy their shoes
Visit the site of the Hacienda MADchester's home of the acid house era
Explore the site where Joy Division filmed their greatest hit
Visit the bar where Elbow drink
See the site of the bar where Liam Gallagher and Shaun Ryder were famously banned from
You are the new owner of the music label Factory Records made famous in the 80 and 90s by the previous founder Tony Wilson who signed the likes of Joy Division, New Order & the Happy Mondays who were partly responsible for creating the MADCHESTER era.
You need funds and, therefore, you need to learn more about the history of the era to build investor confidence.
Ruta de la experiencia
Punto de partida Jonny Roadhouse Music
123 Oxford Rd, All Saints, Manchester M1 7DU, UKPunto final Afflecks Palace
52 Church St, Manchester M4 1PW, UKLugares que visitarás
Te llevará
105-135 mins
Vas a caminar
5780 pasos
Distancia total
4.4 km
Lugares para visitar
Descubrirás lugares interesantes a lo largo de la ruta de la experiencia.
Afflecks Palace
Free Trade Hall
Refuge Manchester
O2 Ritz
Calificaciones y reseñas
78 calificaciones
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Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas