Chicago Loop Highlights: Battle the Supernatural
Walking from the heart of downtown to Grant Park, you'll see 19th century bronze statues and buildings constructed in the heyday of the City Beautiful movement, along with avante-garde monuments made by groundbreaking artists!
Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas
Aspectos destacados
Say hi to the lions at the Art Institute
Spot the secret statue on the Board Of Trade building
Learn the storied history of the beautiful Chicago Cultural Center
Figure out just what Picasso's statue on Daley Plaza is supposed to represent
Long ago, a One-Eyed Witch taught you the art of Second Sight – how to see and talk with the spirits of things.
Then she made you promise this: to go to Chicago one day, meet the Spirit of Daley Plaza, and ask her to help you catch “The Nuck.”
You’d all but forgotten that oath until the dreams started: visions of Chicago in flames, of monsters in the streets.
So you’ve come to the Windy City, hoping your nightmares will end when you catch “The Nuck” (whatever that is) and keep your promise.
Ruta de la experiencia
Punto de partida The Untitled Picasso
50 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60602, USAPunto final The Chicago Board Of Trade Building
141 W Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60604, USALugares que visitarás
Te llevará
27-57 mins
Vas a caminar
4470 pasos
Distancia total
3.4 km
- Best during the day
- Kid friendly
- Best for couples
- Recommended activity for families
- Best in the morning to avoid the heat
Calificaciones y reseñas
11 calificaciones
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Se puede jugar en
Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
Todo el díaIdiomas