New Orleans: Voodoo in the French Quarter

3.91 (23 clasificare)
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Play a city exploration game and go on a mission around the historic French Quarter in New Orleans. 

Follow the clues and solve puzzles to find the famous Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, maybe she will agree to assist you! Each challenge that you solve will unlock a local story.

Dare to play... if you're ready for voodoo!


  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

  • Limbi

Puncte importante

  • Have your fortunes told, buy an authentic voodoo hex doll, or good luck gris-gris bag made by authentic voodoo practitioners.

  • Visit historical places and learn about the unique New Orleans voodoo culture.

  • See landmarks from the French Quarter: Voodoo Authentica, House of Voodoo, Reverend Zombie’s House of Voodoo, and more.


Your uncle was once a great archeologist. He uncovered long-lost artifacts from the sands of time, returning them to their rightful cultures. He was a man of international notoriety and respect.

One fateful day, however, greed got the better of him. Having found the legendary map to Marie Laveau’s secret burial place in the French Quarter, he followed the clues, performing old Voodoo magic to demand a wish from her. A wish that has cursed your family ever since.

Now it’s up to you to make it right.

Traseul experienței


Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

71-101 mins

Vei merge

3940 scări

Distanța totală

3 km

  • Not for kids
  • Best for couples
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Evaluări și recenzii


23 clasificare

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20 Feb 2024
that was fun! thanks


17 Feb 2024


07 Dec 2023


14 Oct 2023

Allison Vanek

19 Apr 2023

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4441 XP
4413 XP
Timothy Gortman
4391 XP

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