Groningen: Around the Martini tower

3.67 (9 clasificare)
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In the heart of Groningen, beneath the looming shadow of the iconic Martinitoren, lies a mystery that has been unsolved for decades. As dark clouds roll in, casting an eerie atmosphere over the city, residents are haunted by the memory of the 1997 disaster. 

Players of the Questo outdoor escape game will embark on a thrilling adventure, retracing the steps of the three students from that fateful night. 

Clues hidden in ancient cobblestones, cryptic messages inscribed on historic buildings, and whispered legends from locals will guide participants on their quest. 

As the clock ticks, players must unravel the chilling fate of the third student, revealing a tale of intrigue, betrayal, and the indomitable spirit of Groningen. Are you brave enough to uncover the truth?

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  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

  • Limbi


Dark clouds fill the sky and every Groninger is reminded of the 1997 disaster. 

At exactly 12am on 31 August 1997, three students from the student corps slipped past the fences of Martinitoren. Not knowing that they would not make it down the stairs. At least, two of them didn't… 

What happened to the third student? that's for you to find out...

Traseul experienței

Punct de plecare under the Martini Tower
Grote Markt 22-24, 9712 HV Groningen, Nederland

Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

375-405 mins

Vei merge

4470 scări

Distanța totală

3.4 km

People exploring Glasgow with Questo

Descarcă aplicația Questo și începe

Descarcă, alegeți traseul și mergi până la punctul de plecare.

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Evaluări și recenzii


9 clasificare

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25 Jul 2024
i would have loved it if the tips/right answers were found on the buildings/sights we were seeing not just look online or on google maps. in other quest games on this app we were able to find the clue to our next destination on the building


02 Sep 2024


03 Aug 2024
We missen een spannend einde van het verhaal en het antwoord op het in het begin gestelde vraag. verder een hele leuke ervaring!


05 Apr 2024
nice way of learning about the history of groningen, some "did you know"s were missing context towards the end, and could be explored with further detail. the games were largely fun and challenging, except the counting of the blue tiles. that was confusing and honestly did not provide much historical context. thank you for a nice game, we enjoyed it a lot, good luck finishing it.

Thomas Marrecau

02 Apr 2024

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