Geneva Highlights: Zombie Chase
Play a thrilling city game, where you will follow clues to discover amazing places and local stories in Geneva.
On this tour you will be an epidemiologist. There is a virus outbreak in the city that turns people into zombies. Your mission is to save the city. On the way, you will visit some of the city’s most beautiful locations, such as Plainpalais, Place du Bourg-de-Four and the Flower Clock.
Are you ready to fight some zombies?
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
08:00AM - 09:00PMLimbi
Engleză, Franceză
Puncte importante
Discover popular and lesser-known places in Geneva.
Visit the location where the first murder of Frankenstein’s monster took place.
Learn fascinating stories about Geneva (CERN, history of clocks, and many others)
Explore picturesque city routes.
Something terrible has happened, something that could change the world, as we know it. There was an accident – or so they let you believe - a virus has escaped from a lab and it can turn people into zombies. There have already been incidents of unusual and strange behavior in the city, such as bites and several attacks.
You are an epidemiologist and your mentor Dr. Phillips needs your help. He asks you to meet him in Geneva. You have to find the source of the virus and destroy it, before it’s too late.
The zombies are coming and you have to start running.
Traseul experienței
Punct de plecare Monument du Monstre de Frankenstein
Bd Georges-Favon 38, 1204 Genève, SwitzerlandPunct de sosire Statue Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Ile Rousseau 1, 1204 Genève, SwitzerlandLocuri pe care le vei vizita
Te va lua
83-113 mins
Vei merge
3680 scări
Distanța totală
2.8 km
Puncte de interes
Vei descoperi locuri interesante de-a lungul experienței.
Temple de la Madeleine
L'Ancien Arsenal
Maison Tavel
Place de Neuve
- Best during the day
- Instagrammable
- Kid friendly
- Best for couples
- Recommended activity for families
Evaluări și recenzii
394 clasificare
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Ai un cod de deblocare?
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
08:00AM - 09:00PMLimbi
Engleză, Franceză