Haunted Campina - The Piano Girl

4.82 (11 clasificare)
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You moved with your family to a small village near an old castle that had been built in memory of a deceased daughter. 

Every night, you heard beautiful piano music coming from the castle, and you became obsessed with finding out who was playing it. 

You snuck into the castle every chance you got, searching for the source of the music, but it seemed to stop every time you got close. 

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  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

  • Limbi

Puncte importante

  • Experience amazing Campina attractions such as Hasdeu Castle, Anthony of Padua Church, Barbu Stirbey park, and more

  • Find hidden objects or words and solve brain teasing puzzles

  • Visit the most haunted places in town.Learn about the grim legend of Julia Hasdeu.

  • Visit some of Campina's most famous attractions and learn more about their history


Once upon a time, your family moved to a new house near an old castle that had been built by a father in memory of his deceased daughter.

As the nights went by, strange things started happening. You heard beautiful piano music coming from the castle every night. The music was so enchanting that you could not resist going to the castle to find out who was playing the piano. Every time you got close to the castle, the music would stop. 

Find out more about the mystery of the piano and uncover the secrets of the castle.

Traseul experienței


Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

72-102 mins

Vei merge

3810 scări

Distanța totală

2.9 km

  • Puncte de interes

    Vei descoperi locuri interesante de-a lungul experienței.

  • Biserica

  • Fantana

  • The game is not timed, so take your time
  • Cross the street carefully
  • Game ends in another place than it starts
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Evaluări și recenzii


11 clasificare

5 Stele
4 Stele
3 Stele
2 Stele
1 Stea
Sortează după

Tania Chivu

11 Aug 2024

Andreea Teodorescu

20 Jul 2024

Lavinia Anamaria Oita

17 May 2024
A bit difficult but interesting! Loved it!


14 Apr 2024

Alexandra Micu

05 Jan 2024

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