On the Trail of the Boston Strangler
Go on a walking tour that reveals the locations of some of these murders while uncovering a treasure trove of information about one of the US's most historic cities.
You’ll see Fenway Park up-close, visit the stomping grounds of legendary performers, and find a church with a walk-in globe (you read correctly) all while cracking a case written by a published author.
Can you match wits with the Boston Strangler?
Experiență gratuită
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
Întreaga ziLimbi
Puncte importante
Encounter neighborhoods associated with the real-life Boston Strangler
Visit the stomping grounds of legendary musicians and world-famous architects
Walk about the exterior of the iconic Fenway Park and visit the epicenter of the rigging of the 1919 World Series
Play through an adventure written by a prize-winning short fiction author
However, just as you step off the subway, a beat cop rushes to your side and informs you that an anonymous tip was called in, warning that the infamous Boston Strangler would break his pattern and kill three victims in one day.
You hustle to the subway entrance to track the Strangler down.
Traseul experienței
Punct de plecare Hynes Convention Center Subway Stop
100 Massachusetts Ave, Boston, MA 02115, USAPunct de sosire Location formerly known as Hotel Buckminster
1 Brookline Ave #105, Boston, MA 02215, USALocuri pe care le vei vizita
Te va lua
116-146 mins
Vei merge
4860 scări
Distanța totală
3.7 km
- Audio stories
- The game is not timed, so take your time
- No attractions ticket(s) required
- Play on weekdays during working hours to avoid large crowds
- Pause, continue exploring at your own pace or replay at any time.
- Cross the street carefully
- Game ends in another place than it starts
Evaluări și recenzii
5 clasificare
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Experiență gratuită
Poate fi jucat pe
Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, DuminicăÎn aceste ore
Întreaga ziLimbi