H2O Heroes: Conserve and Protect

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 Managing water consumption has been a long standing challenge at the local, regional and global levels where recent trends indicate an increase in water scarcity. An important part of water consumption is resource management. It is critical to understand what assets are being depleted and how, before taking action. Join this quest and become a water guardian! 

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  • Poate fi jucat pe
    Luni, Marţi, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sâmbătă, Duminică

  • În aceste ore
    Întreaga zi

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Puncte importante

    Climate change intensifies the water crisis, making conservation more urgent. Every drop matters, as small actions like efficient systems and clean practices protect resources. By conserving water, we sustain life and take responsibility for our future. H2O Heroes empowers you to make a difference where it starts—right here on campus.


Water is life, but it’s under threat. A villain lurks in the shadows: the Clock. With each tick, the Clock draws us closer to 2025, when the threat of water scarcity will impact millions. As time runs out, it becomes critical for you to gather information and take action before the Clock strikes the hour of judgment. As a water guardian, you must work together to protect the water resources we have left and stop the Clock’s plan!

 Your mission is clear: uncover the answers, outsmart the Clock, and prove that even small habits can create lasting change. Time is running out—will you rise as the Water Guardian our campus needs?

Traseul experienței


Locuri pe care le vei vizita


Te va lua

26-56 mins

Vei merge

4600 scări

Distanța totală

3.5 km

  • The last part of the game might not be available after 4PM.
  • Family friendly
  • Fun to do as a couple
  • Pay attention to traffic
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3063 XP
User without a name
3021 XP
frankie lilly
1870 XP