Landmarks of Split: Discover the 1700 Year Old City

4.58 (71 giudizi)
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Discover the history of a 1700-year-old town by exploring its rich past, small alleys, and grand monuments, and find out who was, and what happened to one of the greatest Roman emperors. 

In Split, the devil's in the details. Find places in town often missed by the thousands of tourists that visit the city every year, all while solving a mystery worthy of the greatest adventurers.


  • Può essere giocato su
    Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica

  • Durante queste ore
    Intera giornata

  • Lingue

In evidenza

  • Explore the UNESCO world heritage site - the Diocletian's Palace

  • Discover why the bishop's toe is shiny, and what in the world is an Egyptian sphinx doing in Split.

  • Take the best selfie in Split and find out what the locals do best, and why they are grumpy when its bad weather.


As a lover of mysteries and intrigue, you couldn't resist when a stack of encrypted letters belonging to a Croatian treasure hunter came up for auction at your local history fair.

The letters at first seemed complete gibberish, but with the right key, their true meaning would be revealed.

In the first letter was a set of puzzles that if solved, would reveal the necessary keywords, and in the end, would uncover the location of the tomb and treasure of the long-lost Roman emperor, Diocletian.

Percorso dell'esperienza

Punto di partenza Sjaš svijetliš svemiriš me
Sustipanski put, 21000, Split, Croatia
Punto di arrivo The Great Sphynx of Split
21000 Trg Peristil BB, 21000, Split, Croatia

Luoghi che visiterai


Ti ci vorrà

61-91 mins


3550 passi

Distanza totale

2.7 km

  • We recommend not playing at night
  • No attractions ticket(s) required
  • Route may be affected by temporary ongoing construction work
  • Some checkpoints may contain temporary construction work
  • Pause, continue exploring at your own pace or replay at any time.
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Valutazioni e recensioni


71 giudizi

5 Stelle
4 Stelle
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2 Stelle
1 Stella
R recensioni
Ordina per

Kai Busse

20 Oct 2024
Tolle Möglichkeit die Sehenswürdigkeiten Splits auf eine interaktive Art und Weise kennenzulernen. Hier wird auch Wissenswertes vermittelt und die Aufmerksamkeit auf Dinge gelenkt, die sicher nicht in jeder Stadtführung Erwähnung finden.


20 Oct 2024

Kris Ouwersloot

14 Oct 2024


02 Oct 2024

Udrea Luiza

24 Sep 2024

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