Montpellier's historic games - Euric's Bow

4 (8 giudizi)
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To help Euric get to the royal tournament you need to unlock the route of the procession, and stop at special points along the way. 
Getting to the last chapter you find out why it’s so important, how and where they played the game, what the special prize is and who Euric is. 

With each step you discover something interesting about each place; like why grown men shot at a wooden parrot, a little city trivia and what’s so special about Euric’s bow, but be careful, you’re being pursued. 


  • Può essere giocato su
    Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica

  • Durante queste ore
    Intera giornata

  • Lingue
    Inglese, Francese

In evidenza

  • You'll learn historic facts and about the place you’re in, and at each point.

  • You'll find out about a traditional archery game along with other games. Along your way, see some great shops, bars and restaurants. Time to get those grey cells working.


Whilst helping an angry young warrior from another epoch escape the royal guards and beat the king and nobility at their own game, you’ll discover interesting ancient places, shops, streets and buildings with games and traditions linked to the city. 

But be careful, this is no typical warrior and his bow is far from ordinary too. He’s come a long way to get to the 17th C game and compete for the special prize.

Percorso dell'esperienza

Punto di arrivo Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
207 All. Paul Boulet, 34000 Montpellier, France

Luoghi che visiterai


Ti ci vorrà

78-108 mins


2630 passi

Distanza totale

2 km

  • To see the holiday lights, nighttime is better
  • The game is not timed, so take your time
  • Recommended activity for families
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Valutazioni e recensioni


8 giudizi

5 Stelle
4 Stelle
3 Stelle
2 Stelle
1 Stella
R recensioni
Ordina per

cristalinas azules

10 Dec 2022
Une agréable balade dans le vieux Montpellier et un voyage dans le temps où les Montpellierains avaient déjà leur goût prononcé du loisir.

Lou Phillips

10 Dec 2022
Excellent ! A noter. chapitre 2 (il y a 2 reponses a donner). Chapitre 10 - l'indice manque.. Erreur sera résolu d'ici mi janvier..

10 Dec 2022

Bruna Silva

22 Aug 2024


26 Nov 2023

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Bruna Silva
3100 XP
3100 XP
Zizi Banda
3100 XP

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