Medias - Mysteries from the Fortress of Light - is it a masonic temple?

4.45 (11 giudizi)
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Discover the city of Medias and its mysteries. You visit the most important touristical objectives and find out outstanding legends and stories about places, people and facts in this beautiful medieval town.


  • Può essere giocato su
    Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica

  • Durante queste ore
    Intera giornata

  • Lingue


Medias Fortress is full of mysteries and challenges for those who dare to visit it and see beyond appearances. Attested in 1267, Medias is one of the most representative medieval towns in southern Transylvania. 

The locals whisper about the underground tunnels, the magic of the golden grapes and the medieval female cult. From east to west, from south to north, in the city of Medias you will find many enigmatic symbols. We invite you to discover them. 

You're a seeker of truth that wants to find out wheter the Fortress of Medias is a masonic temple or not. With each clue you are closer to the truth you're seeking. Pay attention to details, follow the clues and enjoy the  mysteries of the fortress of light.

Percorso dell'esperienza

Punto di partenza King Ferdinand Square, 16
Piaţa Regele Ferdinand I, Mediaș, Romania

Luoghi che visiterai


Ti ci vorrà

27-57 mins


2890 passi

Distanza totale

2.2 km

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11 giudizi

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Ciprian Birlea

03 Feb 2024

MithWorld_ RO

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25 Nov 2023

Toderici Victor

25 Nov 2023

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Cornel D
3400 XP
3348 XP
Toderici Victor
3336 XP

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