The Soul of Hà Nội: Architectural Wonders Unleashed

4 (1 giudizi)
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Whether you're an adventure seeker, a history enthusiast, or simply someone looking for an unforgettable experience, this immersive game is perfect for you. 

You'll explore the rich historical sites of Hà Nội's Center, while having fun and getting exercise! There is no better way to explore a city. Dive into history and mystery and embark on a thrilling adventure together with your friends and family. 

You'll not only gain fascinating historical knowledge, but also be challenged at every level. 

Esperienza gratuita

Nessuna prenotazione necessaria. Sblocca il gioco inserendo la tua email qui sotto.


  • Può essere giocato su
    Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica

  • Durante queste ore
    Intera giornata

  • Lingue

In evidenza

  • Discover Hà Nội's ancient Citadel and nearby sites!

  • Marvel at the architecture of unique buildings!

  • Lead your quest to find solutions to cryptic challenges!

  • Have fun and build great friendships!

  • Build your knowledge!

  • Note: 8am-5:30pm the sites are open.

  • Tickets need to be purchased at the Museum and Citadel for around 30k VND.


In the heart of Hà Nội's Center, you find yourself entangled in a web of mystery and danger.

Your quest starts and you'll uncover the secrets of ancient riddles and treacherous traps. Stay one step ahead in the race to solve multiple crimes that happened near the Citadel.

You aim to decipher the codes to save the kidnapped children and take down an evil crime ring.

Your path intertwines with that of knowledgeable new friends, and you solve mysteries woven around Hà Nội's architectural gems.

Percorso dell'esperienza


Luoghi che visiterai


Ti ci vorrà

168-198 mins


6300 passi

Distanza totale

4.8 km

  • Family friendly
  • You can stop for a break any time
  • Fun to do as a couple
  • Pay attention to traffic
  • You need to buy the entrance ticket separately
  • Comfortable shoes are highly recommended!
  • The route is open daily from 09:00 until dusk
  • Bring water with you
  • The game is not timed, so take your time
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21 Jul 2024

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