The Greenock Blitz 1941

5 (1 giudizi)
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This Questo Discovery game takes you on a tour of Central Greenock, a town on the West Coast of Scotland and describes the days and nights of the 6th/7th May 1941 when Nazi Germany attacked it with its bombers. 

Looking at the photographs of the damage caused, you will hear stories from those that survived the attacks as well as look at how the town has changed as a result.

Your host is Vincent Gillen, a local Social Historian, who has written extensively about the Greenock Blitz and WW2.

Esperienza gratuita

Nessuna prenotazione necessaria. Sblocca il gioco inserendo la tua email qui sotto.


  • Può essere giocato su
    Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica

  • Durante queste ore
    Intera giornata

  • Lingue

In evidenza

  • Discover why there is a corner of the Municipal Buildings missing.

  • Follow the path of the bombs as they dropped on the town.

  • Listen to first hand accounts of the night and look at historical photographs of how the town looked prior to the attacks.

Percorso dell'esperienza

Punto di partenza Clyde Square
Clyde Sq, Greenock PA15, UK
Punto di arrivo William Street
William St, Greenock PA15, UK

Luoghi che visiterai


Ti ci vorrà

50-80 mins


1970 passi

Distanza totale

1.5 km

  • No attractions ticket(s) required
  • Route may be affected by temporary ongoing construction work
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Valutazioni e recensioni


1 giudizi

5 Stelle
4 Stelle
3 Stelle
2 Stelle
1 Stella
R recensioni
Ordina per

Vince G

26 May 2023

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Vince G
3340 XP
3070 XP
2779 XP