Dr. Caper's Blockade Super Hero Adventure Mulberry Park Elgin

2.6 (5 giudizi)
Quest image more than 2
 Moxie Man's adventure: 'Dr. Caper's Barricade' is fun, and engaging. Join an interactive Superhero quest.
 You are part of the story. You are now in the comic book. Travel along and help Moxie Man undo Dr. Capers traps. Be clever, be happy, have fun. 

The GPS will lead you to a new chapter in the story.  Break the barricade. Stop the traps. Unlock the traps. Break the traps but avoid Dr. Caper and his mechanical mayhem. Watch Moxie Man go into action. 

Esperienza gratuita

Nessuna prenotazione necessaria. Sblocca il gioco inserendo la tua email qui sotto.


  • Può essere giocato su
    Lunedì, Martedì, Mercoledì, Giovedì, Venerdì, Sabato, Domenica

  • Durante queste ore
    Intera giornata

  • Lingue

In evidenza

  • You will travel a predetermined path using GPS.

  • You will watch a story.

  • You will unlock chapters.

  • Each chapter will have a challenge to solve.

  • You will have fun in an outdoor environment.


 Moxie Man master of Gravity needs your help. You are here by deputized and now part of the HERO'S RESERVE. You may not be able to fly or throw cars, but you can be clever. And that counts for a lot. Stop Dr. Caper from his dark deeds. Disable his traps. Dismantle his barricade. Find out what is devious plan is. 

Percorso dell'esperienza

Punto di partenza Mulberry Grove Park
41°59'21.9"N 88°20'04.5"W
Punto di arrivo Victory in sight.
1769 Newbridge Cir, Elgin, IL 60123, USA

Luoghi che visiterai


Ti ci vorrà

60-90 mins


920 passi

Distanza totale

0.7 km

  • Family friendly
  • Fun to do as a couple
  • Comfortable shoes are highly recommended!
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Valutazioni e recensioni


5 giudizi

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1 Stella
R recensioni
Ordina per

Todd of Oz

02 Sep 2024
the locator did not work. the game did not care if we were in the the right spot or not. Graphics ran off yhe page so it was hard to I understand yhe clues or to solve them. a map of where we were or where to go would be hugely helpful

T heodore Hartwell

02 Sep 2024

Vicky Wolicki

05 Oct 2024
videos weren’t loading

Josh Wolicki

05 Oct 2024

Donovan Johnston

05 Oct 2024

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Vicky Wolicki
4600 XP
T heodore Hartwell
4600 XP
Chris Laskowski
4570 XP