San Diego: Liberty Station

4.41 (39 taux)
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Galerie ouverte
Come and explore San Diego's Liberty Station, which was once known as “the cradle of the Navy”. Over 2 million men and women trained here when, from 1923 to 1997, it served as a Naval Training Center (NTC). Today, it is home to a beautiful Arts District located in the historic buildings that once housed, fed, and trained sailors. 

Solve clues and check out modern museums, a food hall and a brewery, performing arts groups, and public art. All while discovering how young men — and eventually women — went from civilian to sailor.  

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Discover where the biggest names in entertainment performed in the 1940s.

  • See the course that one of America's best golfers practiced on while stationed here during World War II.

  • Pay tribute to the 52 submarines lost during World War II.

  • See the church with stained glass windows inspired by a legendary American actor.

  • Learn why the base's Christmas tree can't have a traditionally colored star.


You are Brad Dutiful, one of the Naval Training Center's newest recruits. The year is 1944 and tensions are high as WWII rages on.

The pressure is intense, but your heart harbors a patriotism that can overcome any odds. However, during your very first naval radar training, a mysterious chain of events begins.

Could the legend of the ghost submarine really be true? Or, is there an unknown treachery afoot which threatens the training center, and even America itself...?


Route de l'expérience

Point de départ Dick Laub NTC Command Center
2640 Historic Decatur Rd, San Diego, CA 92106, USA
Point d'arrivée Postcard Mural
2848 Dewey Rd, San Diego, CA 92106, USA

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

64-94 mins

Tu vas marcher

4340 pas

Distance totale

3.3 km

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39 taux

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