Highlights of Reykjavík: Viking Trails!
Reykjavík boasts a wealth of historical sites, and the storyteller has dedicated a great deal of time and energy to crafting a humorous fictional narrative from the thrilling Viking Age.
I hope the overall experience brings you joy and love for my city!
Expérience gratuite
Disponibilité :
Peut être joué sur
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
Journée entièreLangues
Faits saillants
You will explore the main attractions and locations in the heart of Reykjavík.
The starting point is in front of the beautiful Hallgrímskirkja (Halgríms-church) gazing over the city.
Many of the town's greatest eateries and pubs may be found near the end, which is also where the main street is and the harbor is very nearby.
You're a stinking, middle aged Viking called Ingólfur.
Everyone in this village and the ones nearby follow orders commanded by you and your lanky wife Hallveig because you are the Chieftain.
A tense, sweaty peasant approaches your tent one winter morning with word of a group of men arriving by a grand-looking ship at the west side of Reykjavik with weapons drawn and looking to cause trouble.
Route de l'expérience
Point de départ Hallgrímskirkja
Hallgrímstorg 1, 101 Reykjavík, IcelandPoint d'arrivée Fógetagarður - Sheriff's square
Aðalstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík, IcelandLieux que tu visiteras
Cela vous emmènera
95-125 mins
Tu vas marcher
4070 pas
Distance totale
3.1 km
Lieux à visiter
Tu découvriras des endroits intéressants le long de la route de l'expérience.
Icelandic Penis Museum
The Statue of Ingólfur Arnarson
Rainbow Street
- Family friendly
- You can stop for a break any time
- Fun to do as a couple
Évaluations et commentaires
11 taux
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Expérience gratuite
Disponibilité :
Peut être joué sur
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
Journée entièreLangues