Pittsburgh Historic Downtown

4.34 (110 taux)
Quest image more than 2
Galerie ouverte
Discover the lesser-known history of Pittsburgh by visiting globally renowned landmarks and treasured local gems. 

Visit the bridge which hosts Picklesburgh, one of America’s biggest specialty food festivals. See the glass towers built atop one of Pittsburgh’s oldest settlements. 

Learn about the Steel City’s deep ties to war, and how the community used parks and greenery to overcome economic decay. 
Are you ready to see Downtown Pittsburgh in a whole new light? 

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Explore the park that city officials built instead of a Frank Lloyd Wright megastructure

  • Step beneath the clock that residents have long challenged each other to kiss their butts under

  • Let the benches watch you at what’s been locally dubbed: “Eyeball Park”


You play as a groggy butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, excited to escape the city in an upcoming migration.

But you missed it, and worse yet, you see mysterious, transparent buildings and people glitching in and out of existence on top of the park you call home, getting realer and realer the longer you watch.

Flutter around downtown to figure out what’s happening and save the Steel City from chaos, and feel the delicate strands connecting every era of Pittsburgh along the way.

Are you ready?

Route de l'expérience

Point d'arrivée PPG Plaza
3 PPG Pl, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, USA

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

49-79 mins

Tu vas marcher

4730 pas

Distance totale

3.6 km

  • Best during the day
  • Instagrammable
  • Best for couples
  • Recommended activity for families
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Évaluations et commentaires


110 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par

Dorothy Shelton

19 Aug 2024


03 Aug 2024
The quest was good. It took us to new stops along the way and always integrated the environment into the clues. The only part we had an issue with was the Roberto Clemente Bridge stop.

João Inácio

03 Aug 2024
everything was very good and the places were interesting. just a note for the Roberto Clemente bridge, we couldn’t find the plaque with the information

Rachel Ballinger

21 Dec 2023


14 Nov 2023

À quoi ressemble une expérience Questo ?

  • Marche et explore le monde réel

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3700 XP
Sandra Harris
3700 XP
3700 XP

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