Palma de Mallorca: Prison Break from Castle Bellver
The game takes you back to a time when the historic monument of Bellver Castle was not a tourist attraction but a prison, and your journey starts there with a stunning view of one of the largest ports in Europe.
Your journey later continues through the forest, the centre, through the traditional marketplace in the old part of town until you reach your destination.
Disponibilité :
Peut être joué sur
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
Journée entièreLangues
Faits saillants
In order to have whole experience, you have to enter the castle where the story of the prisoner, but also of Palma herself, begins.Check the opening hours.Later, you'll walk through the forest with spectacular views along the way, see unique monuments, experience a traditional Spanish market in the old town, famous park, until you reach the port.
Your mission begins on top of a mountain with a view of the city of Palma de Mallorca from where you must get safely to the port, find the right ship and sail to safety on the right day and time.
But freedom isn't free, first you have to gather all your courage and return to the place where it all began, inside the castle where your mission starts.
Route de l'expérience
Point de départ Entering the Castle Bellver
Carrer Castell de Bellver, Ponent, 07014 Palma, Illes Balears, SpainPoint d'arrivée The Ship
Pg. Marítim, 07012 Palma, Illes Balears, SpainLieux que tu visiteras
Cela vous emmènera
220-250 mins
Tu vas marcher
4340 pas
Distance totale
3.3 km
Lieux à visiter
Tu découvriras des endroits intéressants le long de la route de l'expérience.
Home of Sant Magí
The Gate
Entering the Castle Bellver
- Best in the morning to avoid the heat and see lively market, local shrines and temples.
- Ensure your phone is fully charged or bring along your trusty power bank
- Wear a hat and sunscreen, have enough water
- Best in the morning to avoid the heat
- Varied terrain/elevation, may not be suitable for those with limited mobility
- Family friendly
- Fun to do as a couple
- You need to buy the entrance ticket separately
- The Market Hall is closed on Sunday!
- Comfortable shoes are highly recommended!
Évaluations et commentaires
9 taux
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Disponibilité :
Peut être joué sur
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, DimanchePendant ces heures
Journée entièreLangues