Getting To Know You Walk From Exchange Place Jersey City To Hoboken

5 (3 taux)
Quest image more than 2
(Note: as of 3/24, there is a detour between stops 4 and 5)

This is an accessible walk along the Hudson River Walkway. See the sites along the way - art installations, monuments, buildings, and even an urban beach. Great views of Manhattan. Bring binoculars if you can to get a better view of this. Play the game and learn about yourself and your walking companions. You can always take a break along the way at the many cafes and restaurants you will pass by. Make an afternoon of it!

Expérience gratuite

Pas de réservation nécessaire. Déverrouille le jeu en ajoutant ton e-mail ci-dessous.

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • This is an easy walk that is accessible to all.

  • You'll explore several points of interest in Jersey City, Hoboken, across the river in Manhattan, and even on that is in the river.

  • Bring binoculars if you can!

  • During the game, you will be thinking and talking about different aspects of yourself.

  • Do this walk alone, with a special someone, or a group.


You are...YOU! Enjoying a walk along the Hudson River Walkway from Exchange Place in Jersey City to Hoboken,

If you are with a special someone or a group of friends, use the challenges and answers as prompts for conversation starters. Learn a little more about each other!

If you are alone, enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells. Think about how the challenges and answers relate to you.

Bring binoculars if you have them so you can easily see across the river to Manhattan.

Most of all, enjoy your day!

Route de l'expérience

Point de départ Sun Dial
PX89+QW, Jersey City, NJ, USA
Point d'arrivée Hoboken Terminal Waiting Room
PXPC+2V7, Hoboken, NJ, USA

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

71-101 mins

Tu vas marcher

4860 pas

Distance totale

3.7 km

  • Route open 24/7 but better during daylight hours
  • The game is not timed, so take your time
  • If the weather gets cold, you can pause and go inside to warm up at almost any location in the game
  • Route may be affected by temporary ongoing construction work
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Évaluations et commentaires


3 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par

Cindy Westley

17 Nov 2024
learned about the area and each other- an awesome experience not to be missed!

Andy Velwest

15 Oct 2023
Fun to do as a couple or group. Lots of good conversation starters and a beautiful walk along the river.

Linda Velwest

15 Oct 2023

À quoi ressemble une expérience Questo ?

  • Marche et explore le monde réel

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  • Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

    Pour ton prochain voyage, explore en faisant une quête touristique sans guide. Profite de la flexibilité de commencer et arrêter l'expérience quand tu veux, sans craindre de rater les meilleurs endroits à visiter ou les meilleures histoires à découvrir. Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests: Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

  • Rends ton rendez-vous mémorable

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  • Jouez un rôle dans votre ville

    Participe à un événement Questo et plonge dans tes histoires préférées. Déguises-toi pour encore plus de fun.


Cindy Westley
4270 XP
Andy Velwest
4270 XP
Linda Velwest
4180 XP