Boudica's Legacy: Women of Colchester

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Welcome to Colchester, Britain’s first city!

Walk the streets through the eyes of its infamous destroyer Boudica, Queen of the Iceni, who burnt the city down. She’s back to see what the women of Colchester have achieved since her death.

On this tour you’ll meet some of Colchester’s exceptional women, solving my fiendish riddles along the way. Discover suffragettes, an eccentric 16th-century philosopher, Colchester’s first female mayor and even another Queen.

But are any of them a match for Boudica?

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Go underground to find some spectacular public art

  • Find out why there’s a layer of red debris under Colchester

  • Visit the birthplace of one of the worst spellers of her time

  • Discover the author of a book written from the point of view of a pin

  • Find out how one woman got herself invited to the male-only Colchester Oyster Feast


You are Boudica, also known as Boadicea, fierce Iceni warrior queen. When the Romans angered you, you rebelled and burnt Colchester to the ground. Proof, if ever proof were needed, that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 

Now, almost 2,000 years later, you've returned to check on your legacy. Have Colchester's women responded to your battle cry? Is the world now run by women? Not entirely, but over the years, Colchester has racked up a fair few female pioneers.

Route de l'expérience

Point de départ Colchester War Memorial
66 High St, Colchester CO1 1DN, UK
Point d'arrivée The Minories
74 High St, Colchester CO1 1UE, UK

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

90-120 mins

Tu vas marcher

3680 pas

Distance totale

2.8 km

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Évaluations et commentaires


13 taux

5 Étoiles
4 Étoiles
3 Étoiles
2 Étoiles
1 Étoile
Trier par

sixtine floch

25 Jan 2025


09 Nov 2024

Kevin Booth

19 Oct 2024

Emily Johnson

02 Jun 2024

Nico Nico

14 Apr 2024

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Jim Appleby
3400 XP
The Riddling Rambler
3340 XP
Trey Montague
3280 XP

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