Haunted Birmingham: Restless Souls Walking Tour & Escape Game

4.49 (576 taux)
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Explore the eerie streets of Birmingham in this haunting walking tour and escape game. Visit the city’s most haunted locations, uncover dark secrets like an underground tunnel that doesn’t appear on any map, and learn about the mayor who still haunts his office to this day. 

You’ll also discover the chilling story of a hidden tomb containing over 1,000 bodies. As you explore, you’ll solve puzzles and unravel the mysteries of Birmingham’s restless spirits.

In this spine-tingling adventure, you arrive at New Street Station only to feel a deep sense of loneliness and unease. The spirits of Birmingham’s deceased workers are trapped, and their whispers echo through the dark. 

A mysterious figure warns you that time is running out—unless you can put these souls to rest, you too may disappear into the shadows. Solve the clues, free the spirits, and find your own salvation in this thrilling quest. Perfect for ghost story lovers, history buffs, and puzzle solvers, this self-guided tour offers a terrifying glimpse into Birmingham’s haunted past.

Disponibilité :

  • Peut être joué sur
    Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi, Samedi, Dimanche

  • Pendant ces heures
    Journée entière

  • Langues

Faits saillants

  • Visit the most haunted places in town

  • Learn about an underground tunnel that doesn't appear on any map.

  • Discover which mayor haunts his office to this day.

  • Find out about the secret tomb of over 1000 bodies.


Step into the mystifying realm of Birmingham, a city in turmoil just like your own troubled soul. 

As you arrive at New Street Station, an icy chill pierces the air, accompanied by strange whispers and hushed laughter. You feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness, craving comfort and company, but something tells you these sounds aren't friendly. A heavy darkness weighs upon you, making it hard to catch your breath.

Glimmering lights dance in the darkness, beckoning your attention. You try to reach out to a sobbing figure on a bench, but your hand passes through as they weep into their hands. A well-dressed gentleman from the past glides through you, murmuring that peace can only be found when the souls of the city's deceased workers are put to rest.

Time is running out, and you must act swiftly to free the trapped spirits before you vanish completely. The clock is ticking, and your mission is to bring solace to these restless souls and, in turn, find salvation for yourself.

Route de l'expérience

Point de départ New Street Station (Hill St Entrance)
34 Hill St, Birmingham B5 4DY, UK
Point d'arrivée St. Philip's Cathedral
Colmore Row (Stop SH1), Birmingham B3 2QB, UK

Lieux que tu visiteras


Cela vous emmènera

40-70 mins

Tu vas marcher

4730 pas

Distance totale

3.6 km

  • Best at night
  • Please be cautious of traffic
  • Don’t enter the places, not part of the experience
  • If parents/guardians, filter the content for kids
  • Use the phone flashlight for clues if needed
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Évaluations et commentaires


576 taux

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1 Étoile
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29 Oct 2024


27 Sep 2024

Julia Velichko

03 Aug 2024


20 Jul 2024


18 Jul 2024

À quoi ressemble une expérience Questo ?

  • Marche et explore le monde réel

    Télécharge l'application Questo et choisis ton expérience. Marche et suis les indices pour résoudre des énigmes et découvrir de nouveaux endroits et histoires en chemin.

  • Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

    Pour ton prochain voyage, explore en faisant une quête touristique sans guide. Profite de la flexibilité de commencer et arrêter l'expérience quand tu veux, sans craindre de rater les meilleurs endroits à visiter ou les meilleures histoires à découvrir. Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests: Visite des villes avec des quêtes touristiques

  • Rends ton rendez-vous mémorable

    Invite ton partenaire pour un rendez-vous et partez ensemble pour une aventure amusante à pied. Questo est une excellente idée de rendez-vous pour les couples qui veulent passer du temps ensemble, mais aussi pour les premiers rendez-vous ou les demandes en mariage.

  • Jouez un rôle dans votre ville

    Participe à un événement Questo et plonge dans tes histoires préférées. Déguises-toi pour encore plus de fun.


Claire Whiston
3400 XP
3400 XP
Steffi O
3400 XP

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