Discover Chomutov - Prozkoumej Chomutov

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 Tato hra je určena především žákům prvních ročníků středních škol, aby se seznámily s městem, ve kterém se nachází jejich škola. Postupně vás provede od ulice školní - budovy střední průmyslové školy, okolo knihovny a gymnázia až k zimnímu stadionu a aquaparku. Pak se začnete pomalu vracet městem opět do centra všeho dění k městskému divadlu. Tam naše cesta končí. Užijte si hru, poznávejte Chomutov a jeho zákoutí. 

Free experience

No booking needed. Unlock the game by adding your email down below.


  • Can be played on
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

  • During these hours
    Whole day

  • Languages


    Chomutov - město vzdělávání, kultury, sportu, historie a přírody. Zajímavá místa: Kamencové jezero, historické centrum, sportovní střediska, Zoopark :D

Experience's route


Places you will visit


It will take you

85-115 mins

You will walk

6830 steps

Total distance

5.2 km

People exploring Glasgow with Questo

Get the Questo app and you’re all set

Download it, choose your route and just walk to the starting point.

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What does a Questo Experience look like?

  • Walk and explore the Real-World

    Download the Questo app and choose your experience. Walk and follow clues to solve puzzles and unveil new locations and stories along the way.

  • Visit cities with Sightseeing Quests

    For your next trip, explore by going on a sightseeing quest without a guide. Enjoy the flexibility of starting and stopping the experience whenever you want, without the fear of missing out on the best places to visit or the best stories to learn.

  • Make your date memorable

    Invite your partner for a date, and go together on a fun walking adventure. Questo is a great date idea for couples that want to spend time together, but also for first dates or proposals.

  • Role-play in your city

    Attend a Questo Event, and immerse yourself in your favourite stories. Dress up in a costume for extra fun.