Targoviste highlights : Ceausescu last hours
In this defining chapter of Romania's struggle for freedom, you, the soldier who played a pivotal role in the Ceaușescus' arrest, witness the tension and determination of those involved.
The outcome remains uncertain, but the soldiers and tribunal members stand resolute, ready to shape the destiny of their nation.
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Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado, DomingoDurante estas horas
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Aspectos destacados
Take a romantic walk through the parks and streets of a former capital.
Appreciate the beauty of the city where more than 33 rulers ruled.
Unveil the history behind the last communist Romanian ruler's last days.
You are Ilie, a soldier stationed at a local army garrison near Târgoviște. It is December 22, 1989, a pivotal day in Romanian history.
The country is engulfed in the midst of the Romanian Revolution, and the news of the events unfolding across the nation has been both shocking and exhilarating.
Ruta de la experiencia
Punto de partida Monumentul eroilor
Piața Tricolorului, Târgoviște, RomâniaPunto final Gara Targoviste
Târgoviște, RomâniaLugares que visitarás
Te llevará
54-84 mins
Vas a caminar
3020 pasos
Distancia total
2.3 km
- We recommend not playing at night
- No attractions ticket(s) required
Calificaciones y reseñas
7 calificaciones
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